Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Walking my way into a new habit

So I've walked on the treadmill for two days in a row and am feeling good however have definitely been feeling hungrier than before I began working.

I guess it's because I'm using more energy but why does the body do that? I mean, you make a conscious effort to do something to improve your life and then your body fights back saying well I need more food.

I don't think it's very fair.

Today, I plan to walk to the Supermarket.  Pushing my son in the pram may be a challenge as for the last few months he has only been in the pram when he is asleep.  There may be a small screaming tantrum.  If you hear us, at least you will know what it is! ;-)

They say that making a habit of something takes 21 days (I think).  Does that mean, I need to exercise for 21 days straight in order to make it a habit or will exercise be something I will have to force myself to do for the rest of my life.  Hopefully the habit thing is true and it will get easier and easier.

Heres to hoping but the one thing that will keep me going is my new found determination to get rid of this weight that has been holding me back for the last 12 years!!  I will not let you beat me!

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